How to Balance Your Healthcare Workload without Compromising Quality of Care

It’s drilled into every healthcare professional’s head from the moment they set foot in a practice or hospital: patients come first. But when you’re given an inhuman workload, sometimes your first instinct is to lower your standard of care for your patients to compensate for your work.

We’re Core-VA Solutions, and we specialize in helping healthcare workers do more — for their practice, and for their patients. Here’s a few of our solutions for balancing a challenging work schedule.

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Create a Realistic Schedule

Often, you might find that your schedule doesn’t necessarily agree with your exact workload. Sometimes tasks take longer than they’re “scheduled” to take, or sometimes your schedule is jam-packed with little breathing room. Create a realistic schedule that budgets between seven and eight hours a day for work, and just know: your value as a worker is not beholden to you completing that schedule.

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Learn the Value of Saying “No”

If you find yourself picking up other’s slack at work, or getting “voluntold” to do other tasks that distract you from your aforementioned schedule, learn the value of the word “No.” Don’t be blunt about refusing work that conflicts with your schedule; instead, prioritize your determined tasks for the day, and don’t be afraid to say “No” to some unpaid overtime.

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Look for Growth — Not Perfection

It goes without saying that you’re only human. You’re not going to be perfect all day, every day. Instead look at long-term macro trends in your productivity and performance; not whether or not you’ve hit all of your goals for the day. A balanced workload is a journey, not a destination.

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Utilize Virtual Assistant Services

With the state of our jam-packed healthcare system, it’s important you offload as much excess work as possible onto someone who specializes in those tasks. Core VA’s virtual assistant services can tackle your excess office work, scheduling, billing, and more, all remotely, and for a low price.

Contact us today to learn more about our virtual assistant services, and how we can accelerate your growth as a healthcare professional!

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